Lamberton Racing Pigeons REFERENCE |
PIPA: For many years "Kleinen" (B-81-3238253) was the absolute wonder breeder in the Vandenabeele loft. "Kleinen" was never basketed, which is in fact against the principles of Gaby who prefers to select his birds by their results. The parents of "Kleienen" are "Zitterke" (B-80-4055428) a bird from Josef Delodder from Zulte and "Ameyke" (B-77-3064419) from Gilbert van Parijs from Aarsele. Within a very short time "Kleinen" proved to be an exceptional breeder with different females. The descendants of this sensational breeder made Vandenabeele famous both in Belgium and abroad. "Kleinen" was a perfect bird in everything but unfortunately he died in the spring of 1995. His son "Wittenbuik" (B-88-3206112) has taken his place and the results of his offspring give the impression that he maybe even a better breeder than his famous father.
when you look at the first base-bird of the Vandenabeele loft, it's "The Kleinen"
(Dutch for "The Little"). The "Kleinen" (3238153/81) never saw the inside of a
basket but earned his world-famous name in the breeding loft. Being lucky is
always important in life, as well as in the pigeon sport, and Gaby got very
lucky when he coupled the parents of the "Kleinen." Here is the story. People
who know our champion know that Gaby loves widowers who win a first prize in
very hot weather and against a headwind. Well "Zitterke" (4055428/80) from Jozef
Delodder (Zulte) won a first prize in these weather conditions with several
minutes in front from Orleans. Gaby could use "Zitterke" for a very short time,
but he didn't have a good female for him. Telling this to his very good friend
Gilbert Van Parijs (Aarsele and for a number of years loft manager for Norman,
Westkapelle), they made a deal for Gilbert to bring his good breeding female "Ameyke"
(3064419/77) to couple with "Zitterke." "Ameyke" flew very well as a young bird
and was already mother of several good racers. The first youngbird from the
coupling "Zitterke" X "Ameyke" was the "Kleinen."
In 1982, the "Kleinen" was coupled with "Goed Jong 76." The first young bird out
of this pair was the "Picanol" (3258240/82). This widower became as a yearbird
1st provincial ace-pigeon for West-Flanders. One year later, out of the same
couple, the "Fideel" (3105147/83) was born, again a real top bird and top
breeder because his son "Jonge Fideel" (3043047/86) became father of the "Blauwe
Fideel" (3050068/93), and then we talk about the first national Brive.
But Gaby did the coupling of the century in 1988. At that time he coupled the "Kleinen"
to "Flicka" (3008002/87), a daughter of the "Bijter," and the first young that
was born out of this coupling was the "Wittenbuik" (3206112/88), a top racer but
also top breeder.