Lamberton Racing Pigeons AU 2015 Pleasant Task Loft (PTL) 528 Blue White Flight Pied Male SIRE: AU 12 LAMB 191 DAM: AU 11 LAMB 268 Antoine Jacops Breeding Dominic Rappucci Breeder |
528-15 was the winner of the "B" Race Average Speed AMERICA'S INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGE 2015 for Dominic Rappucci, Pleasant Task Loft, who is one of John Lamberton's best friends since 1986 when we went to Belgium and Holland together with Mike Ganus. Our trip to Belgium was filmed and became Ganus Family Loft's first Video #1 in a series of many video trips to Belgium, Holland and Europe. While in Belgium in 1986, we met Antoine and Maria Jacops and fell in love with them and their racing pigeons. Antoine and Maria are the finest family that I personally have ever met in Belgium or Holland without question or hesitation. Based on my experience, I believe that their pigeons have outperformed any other fanciers' pigeons in the world over the past 40 years of pigeon racing in Belgium. 528-15 and his nest sister 529-15 raced extremely well in the 2015 AIC Futurity. 528-15 beat the "A" Race winner; but was not entered in the "A" Futurity race. "528" is a grandson of our foundation breeder, DIAMOND RIO, which we purchased as a young bird at Antoine Jacops' breeding loft in Vorselaar Belgium in the summer of 2003. DIAMOND RIO is a son of another one of our best all-time Antoine Jacops import breeders: the WHITE DIAMOND. |