Lamberton Racing Pigeons

Blue Hen
253-08      DAM: 100-13

Antoine Jacops - Gustaaf Cuypers - Flor Vervoort - Gaby Vandenabeele
AU POINTS: 68.41

AU 2014 LAMBERTON 121, CUYPERS SPARKLE, is an excellent racer scoring 68.41 AU POINTS during the 2014 Young Bird Race Series.  She scored the second most AU POINTS on the 2014 Lamberton Young Bird Race Team and is half-way to her AU Championship as a young bird.  Her SIRE is a cross between the Hofkens PHANTOM of Flor Vervoort/Mike Ganus fame and DIAMOND RIO of Antoine Jacops/Lamberton Racing Pigeons fame.  Her mother 100-13 is a daughter of AU CHAMPION "TRAVELER" coupled with the nest sister to the 7th prize winner  EAST MEADOW BOND FUTURITY for Antonio Dias who purchased the 7th prize winner as a young bird from Lamberton Racing Pigeons.  Both 130-11 and 129-11 are bred from AU ELITE CHAMPION "PACER" and our best Gustaaf Cuypers hen, YOUNG CHRISTINE. 130-11130-11 also bred 190-13 hen that was equal first in the 2013 Mardis Oklahoma Twister Futurity and 206-13 that was 10th prize. 
On 4.12.2015, CUYPERS SPARKLE won 1st prize in a 217 mile/347 km Northeast Oklahoma Federation Old Bird pigeon race competing against 635 pigeons.  She scored another 28.52 AU Championship points giving her a total of 96.93 points. Her nest sister also won 8th prize in the same race.