HOME Chapter 5 - XTRAS
"What's Makes You Happy?"
P. 111 - Ask people
what they want in their lives and most will say they want to be happy.  This is true in all parts of the world and in every sort of culture......... People may feel very distant from happiness for a time.  They may be depressed, bereaved or suffering.  But for most people, much of the time, being happy is a sustaining purpose and aspiration.
P. 114 -  What is Happiness?

P. 116 - Dan Gilbert - Stumbling on Happiness


P. 118 - JOHN WOOD - Leaving Microsoft to Change the World
The Meaning of Happiness
P. 121 -
There is a myth that being happy means being constantly cheerful. Martin Seligman author of Authentic Happiness identifies three different elements of happiness: positive emotions, engagement and meaning. (2)
P. 122-123 - Viktor Frankl - Man's Search for Meaning - Frankl established the branch of psychotherapy known as Logotherapy.
Happiness and Well-Being
P. 125 - TOM RATH
P. 130-131 - French Buddhist Monk Matthieu Ricard  - The Habits of Happiness
P. 131 - Gretchen Rubin - The Happiness Project
P. 135 -  Dean Cycon lectured about indigenous people's problems and about environmental issues in the forests around the world.  He decided to become an activist in the coffee bean industry in developing countries.  Dean stated, "What would it look like if a company engaged in the big issues of the day in the villages, and took a sense of responsibility for what was going on in those villages where they were buying their product so cheaply?  This question gave rise to DEAN'S BEANS  in 1993.  Working with others, helping them boost themselves up, and raising as much awareness as he can makes Dean Cycon happy.