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"What Do You Love?"
Feeling Passionate Most people would hesitate to give a hammer to a four-year-old.. . . . . . When Emily Cummins' grandfather gave her a hammer nothing calamitous happened - but it did fire her passions. "I just used to spend hours with my granddad in the shed in the bottom of my garden," she told me. Emily knew instantly that she'd found her passion, though a preschooler, she probably didn't think of it in those terms. Emily Cummins discovered her passions when she was very young. Randy Parsons took a little longer. Randy had no idea that he had the aptitude to be an internationally known luthier - he had an unquenchable desire to his vision come true. Being True to Your Spirit As the neuroscientist David Eagleman put it, our attempts to understand our own brains are like a laptop computer turning its camera on its own circuits and trying to understand itself. The Spirit Within Us The fact that your consciousness does depend on the activity of your brain is fairly easy to demonstrate with the help of an English comedy series, Blackadder.. The Spirit Among Us Eckhart Tolle draws from many spiritual traditions to argue that the conscious mind, or ego, as he calls it, is a vey small part of who we really are. Feeling Positive Spiritual Evolution: A Scientific Defense of Faith
our current era of holy terror, passionate faith has come to seem like a
present danger. Writers such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and
Christopher Hitchens have been happy to throw the baby out with the
bathwater and declare that the danger is in religion itself. God,
Hitchens writes, is not great. (Excerpted from https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2784179-spiritual-evolution)