Dr. John Lamberton, Clinical Sociologist


      Proprietary Lecture Notes

NEWS ALERT from Lookout Mountain Ranch where I am with a sorrel (reddish brown) quarter horse gelding called TONKA WAKAN Our Ranch is a pleasant secluded forest in which social distancing is only a fast ride away!!! (please click on Tonka’s name above and push the Play arrow on the video)

I want to communicate with you AGAIN about the instructional changes that will occur now that TCC has officially decided to offer courses strictly online beginning MARCH 30 and continue "for the foreseeable future."

TCC has extended our normal Spring Break one week until March 29.  Faculty have been instructed NOT to give course assignments during this extended period so that they can learn how to offer their courses online.

Good news for you!  Since we have been studying Sociology online every class period by using GAMEPLAN on drjohnlamberton.com to deliver and receive our instruction, there will be no change in our classroom instruction. 


Beginning March 30, 2020, our Sociology class will continue online "for the foreseeable future."   

In order for TCC classes to shift from in-class lectures to online instruction, next week, there are a number of TCC faculty who will learn to deliver their course instruction online for the very first time.  It will be a major challenge for faculty to create online content and for TCC students to learn a new online instructional delivery system in the middle of a semester! It is nearly impossible to create and deliver online instruction effectively in one week!  As you all know, I have been supporting my classroom instruction online at drjohnlamberton.com for twenty-three years!  I am very proud of this accomplishment!!!

My mantra is “putting Sociology to work.”  The instructional benefits of “putting Sociology to work” on drjohnlamberton.com has come into focus due to the practice of social distancing - a novel social response the coronavirus.  Social distancing is a response to the public fear of the exposure to a significant illness.  Consequently, we will add social distancing to our curriculum this semester and treat the current social effects of the coronavirus pandemic as a teachable sociological event.  The social world is a fluid laboratory in which we can learn and appreciate the theories of Sociology through real time events.  Forced social distancing is new to current public life and will have short-term and long-term effects on the culture of most groups of people.


It will now be impossible to conduct student presentations in-class.  I will replace it with another appropriate course assessment.  If TCC decides to reintroduce classroom instruction in time to conduct presentations before Finals Week, I may reinstate the presentation assessment. 

I will also edit the online Syllabus to reflect new course changes.   I will announce these changes next week via email.

IMPORTANT!!!  I need to determine what internet and computer resources each of you currently has available to you.

If you do not have acceptable access to the internet in order to receive our Sociology course entirely online, please email me ASAP with your name and a description of your situation with possible remedies to establishing access to online course content on BLACKBOARD and GAME PLAN.

Meantime, enjoy your holiday!  Regards, DrJ


Copyright 1997 by Dr. John Lamberton. All rights reserved. This website and its contents are the exclusive personal intellectual property of Dr. John Lamberton.  Do not copy or reproduce any content without the authorized written permission of Dr. Lamberton.   This website has not been authorized or approved by any entity, organization, or person in any manner whatsoever.  Web design and maintenance provided by Dr. John Lamberton.