Dr. John Lamberton, Clinical Sociologist
Putting Sociology to Work



      Proprietary Lecture Notes
After thoroughly studying the online text, the web pages on Race & Ethnicity and Gender, and discussion in class, write a Journal about your own personal experience.  Submit Journal #4 on Blackboard by Friday, July 9 at 11:59 pm.  Please thoughtfully answer the following questions:

(1)  What is gender?  What do you consider your gender identity?  In 2021 Amerrica, do you consider question about your gender identity a strange question?  Please explain. 
(2)  Discuss the process by which your gender was determined?
(3)  What do you consider your racial culture culture and ethnicity?
(4)  Do you believe differences among people are a matter of culture or color?
(5)  Watch the video Peanut Butter, Jelly and Racism and Why We're Akward.  What is implicit bias?  Are there examples of implicit bias regarding your gender, race and ethnicity that you may have experienced, witnessed or heard about?

IMPORTANT: It is entirely possible that your Journal may be longer than two pages.  You will be scored on how well you complete the assignment.  Trying to complete this assignment in two pages may result in a poor score unless you are able to skillfully finish this assignment in two pages or less. 

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