Clinical Sociologist
Dr. John Lamberton
Putting Sociology to Work


Journal 5:  RACE

      Proprietary Lecture Notes

 Assistant Professor
After watching all of the videos on the Race and Ethnicity weblink, write a thoughtful Journal about the Tulsa Race Massacre by responding to all of the following questions and discussion points... 

1.  Did you already know about this event in history?  If yes, where did you learn about this event?  In school?
2.  What is your reaction to the conflict?
3.  What caused the conflict?
4.  Discuss the success of the business community in Tulsa's "Black Wallstreet."
5.  Discuss the migration of Black Americans into the new state of Oklahoma,6.  Could this type of armed conflict occur today?

After you have completed this part of the Journal 5 assignment, watch the video
Peanut Butter, Jelly and Racism and Why We're Akward. After watching these videos, continue writing your Journal assignment by considering the following questions:

1.  What is implicit bias? 
2.  A
re examples of implicit bias that you have experienced, witnessed or heard about?

IMPORTANT: It is entirely possible that your Journal may be longer than the minimum length of two pages.  You will be scored on how well you complete the assignment.  Trying to complete this assignment in two pages may result in a poor score unless you are able to skillfully finish this assignment in two pages or less. 
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