Dr. John Lamberton, Clinical Sociologist
Putting Sociology to Work



Proprietary Lecture Notes

After reading  your text on Socialization and studying the page links on  Culture and Socialization, please write a Journal about the concept of Socialization as it is found in your own personal experience.  Please think about Socialization in a general context and upon you and your family in particular.  If there is something about socialization in your life that is not reflected in these questions, please begin your Journal with a section expressing your own thoughts.  Then, answer the following questions by sharing the answers in terms of your own personal situation.   

  •       (1) How does culture shape a person's self-image?  How did socialization shape your self-image?  Have you ever been isolated or bullied?  Has fear ever been a part of your socialization?

  •       (2) What were the most impactful agents of Socialization in your life?

  •       (3) How did you learn your culture?

  •       (4) How do you accept the definition of yourself that you learned from your family and other members or institutions of our society.

  •       (5) What impact do you think that isolation has on children (i.e., "feral children")?  Are you aware of friends or acquaintances that may have suffered the effects of isolation on their social development?  


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