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Dr. John Lamberton, Clinical Sociologist Putting Sociology to Work INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY Journal #1 - The Dyad Proprietary Lecture Notes |
Journaling has several important cognitive functions that I would like you to experience writing your Journals. Please read, re-read and fully understand the following instructions for the form of all of your Journal articles. Please read the following web page about the benefits of Journaling: Journaling link Type a title page and attach it to the front of your Journal article. Use one-inch margins and a Times New Roman 16 font on the title page. Type the following four lines of text on the title page: (1) Your name (2) SOCI 1113.101.30355 (3) Journal #1 - The Dyad (4) Submit on Blackboard under JOURNAL 1 June 18 by 11:59 pm. Write a Journal that is a minimum of two pages of pure copy in length. Add the title page to the two pages of copy. If you desire, your Journal can be longer if your creative and introspective thoughts require more space.
Type your Journal as a Word document. DO NOT USE
any program that requires me to sign into an "account" (Google docs?) to
open your document. A document that will not open
with one click will receive zero points. Use a Times New Roman 12-point font.
Use one-inch margins for the body of your Journal.
Double space your Journal article.
Include a title page to the two page Journal.
Double space four lines of text on the title page:
your name, the name and course number for your class, Journal #1:
The Dyad, and the date and time that the assignment is
Use one-inch margins and a Times New Roman 16 font on the title page.
Center the text at the top of the title page.
Write an introspective Journal.
Carefully consider the Journal questions before you begin writing.
Consider the truthfulness of your thoughts and
share them in your writing.
Discuss the dyadic structures within your own family.
Consider the following questions:
(1) How many dyadic (two-person) relationships are there in your
family's social structure? (2) Evaluate these dyadic relationships in terms of social interaction, social bonding and culture. (3) Does the Dyad help uncover diverse social nuances in your family structure?
You will be assessed on the form of the Journal according to the
Journaling instructions and will not be assessed over your introspective
thoughts. Email your Journal #1 assignment according to the
Instructions on your learning management platform (D2L or BLACKBOARD). |