West Tulsa RPC Race Results - 2010 Young Bird Race Series

Final Cumulative Race Results & Year-End Awards


WinSpeed-3                        WEST TULSA RPC                  10/31/10-19:57
                      Champion Bird Report (Customize Points)             Page 1
                            Open and Sportsman Category
                                Old and Young Birds

Champion Bird includes: females & males   A & B Releases
Calculated on Short & Middle & Long Distance Races

  1. 81068  AU 10 CENT  GRIZ H   786.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1594 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON      
  2. 81024  AU 10 CENT  BLUE H   777.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1594 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
  3. 49782  AU 10 ARPU  BC   C   775.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1599 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
  4.  2736  AU 10 VITA  BLUE H   758.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1586 Miles STEVE KING          
  5.   723  AU 10 TNT   BC   H   671.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1644 Miles TONY SMITH          
  6.  2704  AU 10 VITA  BLUE H   656.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1586 Miles STEVE KING          
  7. 49829  AU 10 ARPU  BC   C   631.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1467 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
  8.  2760  AU 10 VITA  BB   H   620.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1586 Miles STEVE KING          
  9.  2724  AU 10 VITA  BLUE C   613.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1586 Miles STEVE KING          
 10.   790  AU 10 TNT   BC   C   603.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1294 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 11. 49836  AU 10 ARPU  BB   H   603.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1599 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 12. 49814  AU 10 ARPU  BB   H   587.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1599 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 13.  2747  AU 10 VITA  BLUE H   579.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1456 Miles STEVE KING          
 14. 49800  AU 10 ARPU  BB   C   578.0 Pts  6 race(s)  973 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 15. 81036  AU 10 CENT  BLUE H   571.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1388 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 16. 81066  AU 10 CENT  BLUE H   568.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1388 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 17.   569  AU 10 ARR   BSPL H   563.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1322 Miles TONY SMITH          
 18. 81001  AU 10 CENT  BLUE H   556.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1594 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON
 19.  2795  AU 10 VITA  BCPD H   553.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1586 Miles STEVE KING          
 20. 81032  AU 10 CENT  BBWF H   545.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1424 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON      
 21.  2781  AU 10 VITA  BBWF H   542.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1594 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON      
 22. 49815  AU 10 ARPU  BC   H   540.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1294 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 23.  2785  AU 10 VITA  BBWF H   539.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1388 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON      
 24. 81015  AU 10 CENT  BBPD H   538.0 Pts. 7 race(s) 1388 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON
 25. 49832  AU 10 ARPU  RC   H   518.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1599 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 26. 76930  AU 10 CENN  DCPD C   517.0 Pts  8 race(s) 1586 Miles STEVE KING          
 27.  2738  AU 10 VITA  MEALYC   512.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1417 Miles STEVE KING          
 28. 81045  AU 10 CENT  BBPD H   498.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1070 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON   
 29. 87214  AU 10 CENT  BB   H   506.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1343 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 30. 87229  AU 10 CENT  BB   H   493.0 Pts  6 race(s)  973 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 31. 76914  AU 10 CENN  BBWF H   490.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1268 Miles STEVE KING          
 32.   789  AU 10 TNT   BBWF C   479.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1207 Miles TONY SMITH          
 33.   539  AU 10 ARR   BBWF H   469.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1110 Miles TONY SMITH          
 34. 81076  AU 10 CENT  BB   H   467.0 Pts  5 race(s) 1208 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 35.  543   AU 10 ARR   BB   H   452.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1322 Miles TONY SMITH          
 36.  2708  AU 10 VITA  BC   C   437.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1417 Miles STEVE KING          
 37. 81065  AU 10 CENT  BC   H   433.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1302 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 38.   721  AU 10 TNT   BB   H   432.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1012 Miles TONY SMITH          
 39. 49783  AU 10 ARPU  BC   C   430.0 Pts  6 race(s)  973 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 40.   727  AU 10 TNT   BB   C   428.0 Pts  5 race(s) 1117 Miles TONY SMITH          
 41. 45395  AU 10 AA    BBWF C   427.0 Pts  6 race(s)  965 Miles STEVE KING          
 42. 81088  AU 10 CENT  BB   H   420.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1266 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 43. 87237  AU 10 CENT  BB   H   420.0 Pts  6 race(s)  973 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 44.  540   AU 10 ARR   BBWF C   417.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1123 Miles TONY SMITH          
 45.  743   AU 10 TNT   BBWF H   417.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1196 Miles TONY SMITH          
 46.  701   AU 10 TNT   DC   C   413.0 Pts  5 race(s) 1191 Miles TONY SMITH          
 47. 2763   AU 10 VITA  BCPD H   407.0 Pts  6 race(s)  965 Miles STEVE KING          
 48. 49837  AU 10 ARPU  BB   H   402.0 Pts  5 race(s)  764 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 49. 81059  AU 10 CENT  BB   C   394.0 Pts  5 race(s) 1170 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON      
 50.   732  AU 10 TNT   BC   H   391.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1110 Miles TONY SMITH          
 51.   772  AU 10 TNT   BC   C   387.0 Pts  7 race(s) 1335 Miles TONY SMITH          
 52. 87217  AU 10 CENT  BBWF H   384.0 Pts  5 race(s) 1208 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 53. 87244  AU 10 CENT  BB   H   384.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1162 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 54. 49835  AU 10 ARPU  BB   H   381.0 Pts  6 race(s)  973 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 55. 49818  AU 10 ARPU  BB   C   378.0 Pts  4 race(s)  556 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 56. 87212  AU 10 CENT  BB   H   373.0 Pts  6 race(s)  973 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 57.   779  AU 10 TNT   DC   H   368.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1207 Miles TONY SMITH          
 58. 81061  AU 10 CENT  BB   H   367.0 Pts  5 race(s)  766 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON 
 59.  2782  AU 10 VITA  BBWF H   366.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1154 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON      
 60.   746  AU 10 TNT   BB   C   358.0 Pts  5 race(s) 1045 Miles TONY SMITH          
 61. 81098  AU 10 CENT  BBPD H   354.0 Pts  6 race(s) 1084 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON
 62.   718  AU 10 TNT   GRIZ C   338.0 Pts  5 race(s)  873 Miles TONY SMITH          
 63.   776  AU 10 TNT   BB   H   327.0 Pts  5 race(s) 1058 Miles TONY SMITH          
 64. 81038  AU 10 CENT  WHT  H   320.0 Pts  5 race(s)  767 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON      
 65.   795  AU 10 TNT   BB   C   319.0 Pts  5 race(s)  764 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 66. 81010  AU 10 CENT  BC   H   311.0 Pts  4 race(s) 1002 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 67. 81054  AU 10 CENT  BB   H   311.0 Pts  5 race(s)  766 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON
 68.   797  AU 10 TNT   BBS  H   297.0 Pts  5 race(s)  917 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 69.   778  AU 10 TNT   BB   H   274.0 Pts  4 race(s)  826 Miles TONY SMITH          
 70. 81019  AU 10 CENT  BB   C   274.0 Pts  4 race(s)  680 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 71.   711  AU 10 TNT   BB   C   254.0 Pts  3 race(s)  405 Miles TONY SMITH          
 72.   733  AU 10 TNT   BB   C   241.0 Pts  3 race(s)  405 Miles TONY SMITH          
 73. 87222  AU 10 CENT  BLUE H   229.0 Pts  3 race(s)  832 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 74.   777  AU 10 TNT   BC   H   227.0 Pts  3 race(s)  405 Miles TONY SMITH          
 75.   734  AU 10 TNT   BB   C   218.0 Pts  4 race(s)  623 Miles TONY SMITH          
 76.   707  AU 10 TNT   BBWF H   209.0 Pts  3 race(s)  454 Miles TONY SMITH          
 77.  2796  AU 10 VITA  BCPD C   196.0 Pts  3 race(s)  382 Miles STEVE KING          
 78. 81044  AU 10 CENT  BB   C   176.0 Pts  3 race(s)  469 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 79. 2788   AU 10 VITA  BB   H   163.0 Pts  3 race(s)  457 Miles STEVE KING          
 80. 81016  AU 10 CENT  BB   H   151.0 Pts  2 race(s)  338 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 81. 81034  AU 10 CENT  BBWF C   146.0 Pts  2 race(s)  263 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON      
 82.   786  AU 10 TNT   BC   H   144.0 Pts  2 race(s)  267 Miles TONY SMITH          
 83. 49816  AU 10 ARPU  BB   C   138.0 Pts  2 race(s)  255 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 84. 81049  AU 10 CENT  BB   C   134.0 Pts  2 race(s)  263 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 85. 81039  AU 10 CENT  BB   H    99.0 Pts  1 race(s)  132 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON
 86. 81004  AU 10 CENT  BBWF H   114.0 Pts  2 race(s)  263 Miles JEFF LAMBERTON      
 87. 81041  AU 10 CENT  BB   C   111.0 Pts  2 race(s)  263 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 88.  2758  AU 10 VITA  BB   H   104.0 Pts  2 race(s)  252 Miles STEVE KING          
 89. 49827  AU 10 ARPU  BB   H   101.0 Pts  2 race(s)  255 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
 90.   788  AU 10 TNT   BSPL H    98.0 Pts  1 race(s)  128 Miles TONY SMITH          
 91. 81053  AU 10 CENT  BB   H    97.0 Pts  1 race(s)  170 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 92.  2752  AU 10 VITA  BC   C    92.0 Pts  1 race(s)  122 Miles STEVE KING          
 93.   775  AU 10 TNT   BC   H    87.0 Pts  1 race(s)  128 Miles TONY SMITH          
 94.  2743  AU 10 VITA  BBPD C    73.0 Pts  1 race(s)  122 Miles STEVE KING          
 95.   784  AU 10 TNT   BB   H    67.0 Pts  1 race(s)  177 Miles TONY SMITH          
 96.  2771  AU 10 VITA  BB   H    65.0 Pts  1 race(s)  122 Miles STEVE KING          
 97.  2772  AU 10 VITA  BB   H    54.0 Pts  1 race(s)  122 Miles STEVE KING          
 98. 81035  AU 10 CENT  BB   C    50.0 Pts  1 race(s)  132 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
 99. 81088  AU 10 CENT  BLUE H    48.0 Pts  1 race(s)  122 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
100. 49826  AU 10 ARPU  BC   C    44.0 Pts  1 race(s)  124 Miles MANUEL HERNANDEZ    
101.   561  AU 10 ARR   BBWF H    43.0 Pts  1 race(s)  139 Miles TONY SMITH          
102. 81002  AU 10 CENT  BBWF C    40.0 Pts  1 race(s)  132 Miles DR JOHN LAMBERTON   
103.   774  AU 10 TNT   DC   H    38.0 Pts  1 race(s)  128 Miles TONY SMITH          


WinSpeed-2                        WEST TULSA RPC                  10/31/10-19:54
                                Average Speed Report                      Page 1
                            Open and Sportsman Category
                                Old and Young Birds

Average speed includes: females & males   A Releases
Calculated on Short & Middle & Long Distance Races
There are 5 Lofts Competing.  There are 8 races that meet the criteria
 1. STEVE KING           Average speed:  1380.595 YPM         ToWin:  00:00:00
     8 races.            Total distance: 1585.678 Miles  Total time:  33:41:27
 2. JEFF LAMBERTON       Average speed:  1373.284 YPM         ToWin:  00:10:49
     8 races.            Total distance: 1593.868 Miles  Total time:  34:02:42
 3. MANUEL HERNANDEZ     Average speed:  1366.220 YPM         ToWin:  00:21:26
     8 races.            Total distance: 1598.542 Miles  Total time:  34:19:17
 4. DR JOHN LAMBERTON    Average speed:  1191.273 YPM         ToWin:  05:22:54
     8 races.            Total distance: 1593.868 Miles  Total time:  39:14:48
 -- TONY SMITH           Average speed:   978.254 YPM
     4 races.            Total distance:  581.894 Miles  Total time:  17:26:54


WinSpeed-2                        WEST TULSA RPC                  10/31/10-19:55
                                Average Speed Report                      Page 1
                            Open and Sportsman Category
                                Old and Young Birds

Average speed includes: females & males   B Releases
Calculated on Short & Middle & Long Distance Races
There are 5 Lofts Competing.  There are 8 races that meet the criteria
 1. DR JOHN LAMBERTON    Average speed:  1497.908 YPM         ToWin:  00:00:00
     8 races.            Total distance: 1593.868 Miles  Total time:  31:12:45
 2. MANUEL HERNANDEZ     Average speed:  1493.409 YPM         ToWin:  00:05:39
     8 races.            Total distance: 1598.542 Miles  Total time:  31:23:54
 3. TONY SMITH           Average speed:  1488.606 YPM         ToWin:  00:12:04
     8 races.            Total distance: 1644.353 Miles  Total time:  32:24:09
 4. STEVE KING           Average speed:  1487.861 YPM         ToWin:  00:12:34
     8 races.            Total distance: 1585.678 Miles  Total time:  31:15:43
 5. JEFF LAMBERTON       Average speed:  1483.177 YPM         ToWin:  00:18:35
     8 races.            Total distance: 1593.868 Miles  Total time:  31:31:21


WinSpeed-2                        WEST TULSA RPC                  10/31/10-19:55
                                Average Speed Report                      Page 1
                            Open and Sportsman Category
                                Old and Young Birds

Average speed includes: females & males   A & B Releases
Calculated on Short & Middle & Long Distance Races
There are 5 Lofts Competing.  There are 16 races that meet the criteria
 1. STEVE KING           Average speed:  1432.222 YPM         ToWin:  00:00:00
    16 races.            Total distance: 3171.357 Miles  Total time:  64:57:09
 2. MANUEL HERNANDEZ     Average speed:  1426.986 YPM         ToWin:  00:14:25
    16 races.            Total distance: 3197.085 Miles  Total time:  65:43:11
 3. JEFF LAMBERTON       Average speed:  1426.117 YPM         ToWin:  00:16:46
    16 races.            Total distance: 3187.735 Miles  Total time:  65:34:03
 4. DR JOHN LAMBERTON    Average speed:  1327.108 YPM         ToWin:  05:10:16
    16 races.            Total distance: 3187.735 Miles  Total time:  70:27:33
 -- TONY SMITH           Average speed:  1309.977 YPM
    12 races.            Total distance: 2226.248 Miles  Total time:  49:51:03


WinSpeed-4                        WEST TULSA RPC                  10/31/10-19:57
                      Champion Loft Report (Customize Points)             Page 1
                            Open and Sportsman Category
                                Old and Young Birds

Champion Loft includes: females & males   A Releases
Calculated on Short & Middle & Long Distance Races

  1. MANUEL HERNANDEZ      Total accumulated points:  2015.0 for  21 clockings
  2. DR JOHN LAMBERTON     Total accumulated points:  1160.0 for  12 clockings
  3. STEVE KING            Total accumulated points:   875.0 for   9 clockings
  4. JEFF LAMBERTON        Total accumulated points:   786.0 for   8 clockings
  5. TONY SMITH            Total accumulated points:   476.0 for   5 clockings


WinSpeed-4                        WEST TULSA RPC                  10/31/10-19:58
                      Champion Loft Report (Customize Points)             Page 1
                            Open and Sportsman Category
                                Old and Young Birds

Champion Loft includes: females & males   B Releases
Calculated on Short & Middle & Long Distance Races

  1. TONY SMITH            Total accumulated points:  8334.0 for 118 clockings
  2. MANUEL HERNANDEZ      Total accumulated points:  7486.0 for 104 clockings
  3. STEVE KING            Total accumulated points:  6441.0 for  91 clockings
  4. DR JOHN LAMBERTON     Total accumulated points:  6207.0 for  87 clockings
  5. JEFF LAMBERTON        Total accumulated points:  3597.0 for  50 clockings


WinSpeed-4                        WEST TULSA RPC                  10/31/10-19:58
                      Champion Loft Report (Customize Points)             Page 1
                            Open and Sportsman Category
                                Old and Young Birds

Champion Loft includes: females & males   A & B Releases
Calculated on Short & Middle & Long Distance Races

  1. MANUEL HERNANDEZ      Total accumulated points:  9501.0 for 125 clockings
  2. TONY SMITH            Total accumulated points:  8810.0 for 123 clockings
  3. DR JOHN LAMBERTON     Total accumulated points:  7367.0 for  99 clockings
  4. STEVE KING            Total accumulated points:  7316.0 for 100 clockings
  5. JEFF LAMBERTON        Total accumulated points:  4383.0 for  58 clockings


WinSpeed-5                        WEST TULSA RPC                 10/31/10-19:59
                                 Race Winner Report                      Page 1
                            Open and Sportsman Category


ATOKA A    STEVE KING 2736   AU 10 VITA  BLUE H ATOKA OKL 100   11   5 1181.921
ATOKA B    TONY SMITH  723   AU 10 TNT   BC   H ATOKA OKL 100   81   5 1357.052

ANTLERS A  DR JOHN LA 81024  AU 10 ARPU  BLUE H ANTLERS O 100    9   5 1347.962
ANTLERS B  TONY SMITH  727   AU 10 TNT   BB   C ANTLERS O 100   90   5 1471.400

PARIS A    MANUEL HER 49800  AU 10 ARPU  BB   C ANTLERS O 100    8   5 1003.448
PARIS B    DR JOHN LA 81016  AU 10 CENT  BB   H ANTLERS O 100   72   5 1278.280

PARIS A    DR JOHN LA 81010  AU 10 CENT  BC   H PARIS TX  150   11   5 1110.964
PARIS B    JEFF LAMBE 2785   AU 10 VITA  BBWF H PARIS TX  150   60   5 1178.208

GREENVILLE JEFF LAMBE 81068  AU 10 ARPU  GRIZ H GREENVILL 200    6   4 1527.233
GREENVILLE STEVE KING 2738   AU 10 VITA  MELY C GREENVILL 200   56   5 1543.148

MT PLEASAN STEVE KING 2736   AU 10 VITA  BLUE H MT PLEASA 200    5   4 1520.544
MT PLEASAN MANUEL HER 49829  AU 10 ARPU  BC   C MT PLEASA 200   68   5 1531.358

WACO A     STEVE KING 2736   AU 10 VITA  BLUE H WACO TX 3 300    4   4 1705.008
WACO B     JEFF LAMBE 2785   AU 10 VITA  BBWF H WACO TX 3 300   49   5 1755.609

FAIRFIELD  JEFF LAMBE 81068  AU 10 ARPU  GRIZ H FAIRFIELD 300    4   4 1874.223
FAIRFIELD  STEVE KING 2760   AU 10 VITA  BB   H FAIRFIELD 300   41   5 1969.448